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  • Writer's picturenguyen thanh

Chicken I may look calm but in my head I’ve pecked you 3 times shirt

Being chased by a rooster is Chicken I may look calm but in my head I’ve pecked you 3 times shirt. These people should be ashamed of making a video laughing not intervening. Never run from a rooster it shows they are dominant over you. Stand your ground if anything starts chasing it. Once you run Every time it sees you it will chase you. Jennifer Pearson, I thought of you when I saw this! Remember when you asked Margaret if she could chain up that chicken! My uncle raised cocks for fighting. One morning I had to pick up eggs for breakfast and one of his fighting cocks decided that I was his breakfast. As my dad and uncle watched this nasty chicken chase me around a fountain in his front yard. After two laps I had run out of patients. I pulled out my target pistol and as I rounded the fountain chased by this bird as my uncle watch in horror.

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