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  • Writer's picturenguyen thanh

Don’t be a cock sucker shirt

Wow! A lot of mean assholes Don’t be a cock sucker shirt to see our humanity and compassion runs so deep no wonder this world is so completely fucked. Some of the comments are so negative and cruel. Every living creature deserves the chance to live. I do not understand the negative comments or people thinking they were funny. Sick humans. Everyone’s saying why save a chicken..why do we think we can decide which animals are worth saving. If this was a dog you’d be all for it when there isn’t much of a difference at all. All animals feel and have emotion. We raised bantams and our neighbor’s dog busted into their little coop one winter and killed a few. I found one frozen in the snow out by the coop and I thought it was dead but as I picked it up to dispose of it before the kids seen it one of its eyes blinked.

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