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  • Writer's picturenguyen thanh

Floral parents tag you’re it xoxo Mrs. Varnado shirt

Let’s all be honest. Floral parents tag you’re it xoxo Mrs. Varnado shirt you watch faulty towers it’s always fun and makes you laugh and that’s what it’s all about. A very funny series shot down before it got a chance to be popular. Only sixteen episodes. The funniest being the Germans. Too bad they canceled it too soon. Loved this show!!!! Funniest episode was when he beat the car with a tree branch because it broke down. I still laugh when I think about that one! When my family owned and ran a seaside motel – fondly known in-house as the last resort my dad actually did occasionally order customers to leave. That, or he’d tell them to sit down, have a cup of tea and a good thing, then either behave decently or leave. I miss him. I had an operation during the second series but didn’t dare watch it in hospital in case I split my stitches.

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