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  • Writer's picturenguyen thanh

Tats and cats shirt

But that was kind of sad you hurt the Tats and cats shirt cat might have got hurt it could have died you are a mean person to videos at pork at next time I bet if that cat was alive he would do that to you mean me and you. people going on about the cactus cats do what they want. you cant make them do anything and if that cat wanted to chew the cactus, it obviously wasn’t hurting it. I've had cats all my life and I cant tell you how many cactus’s have been killed by cats, but I have never lost a cat to a cactus. I love the kitten with the fish bigger than it is, as my Grandmother always said his eyes were bigger than his stomach. All good except the one with the cat chewing cactus. Why would you sit there and film your cat getting a mouth full of painful cactus spines?

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