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  • Writer's picturenguyen thanh

They whine I wine shirt

This is ridiculous and totally abusive. They whine I wine shirt teach their child to be a good human, and that means you don’t ever touch another woman’s glass of wine. Get your own bottle lush. I know, let’s smoosh a wine glass into our kid’s face for facebook likes. Great! You pour the wine, I’ll get the camera. Need to be careful about that you will have social services banging on your door. I love to come here and read all the perfect parent comments how dare they let the baby lick the glass call the social right now. See if you would have posted this baby photo of you on the board, then I would have got it right! Hope I don’t get that drunk this weekend that I can’t finish my drinks and end up like this haha. This is me at the minute. Being pregnant so soon after the last. A nice glass of wine in the sun would be lovely.

Buy this shirt: They whine I wine shirt

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